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Nature's Abundance Diet Drops

HCG Diet - simplified diet protocol.

The HCG Diet and It's Protocol

*Use 3 sprays under the tongue, 3 times per day.

Breakfast – Drink only coffee, tea, or artificially sweetened, 'zero-calorie' type drinks. No carbonated beverages. Consume all you care to. No milk, even if it fits in your calorie count. Stevia, monk fruit, or Splenda sweeteners may be used.

Lunch – 3 Ounces or 100 Grams of lean meat which may consist of one of the following: Veal, lamb, lean beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. We highly suggest that any of the portions -- meat, or vegetable be thoroughly spiced to taste enhance the flavor and 'stretch' the foods impact on the palate.

3 Ounces or 100 Grams of select vegetables which may consist of one of the following: Spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, or cabbage.

1 selection of fruit with choices of: an apple, a handful of strawberries, half a grapefruit or an small- medium sized orange.

1 bread stick (low-fat) or one Melba Toast.

Dinner – Basically a modestly high-protein meal like lunch.

* In many countries specially prepared unsweetened and low calorie foods are freely available, and some of these can be tentatively used... the total daily intake must not exceed 500 calories if the best possible results are to be obtained.

HCG Diet - Seeing the Whole Picture of How HCG Works

If you haven't figured out the BIG PICTURE on how this dieting process really works (or fails) let me spell out in straight-forward words.

The HCG DIET WORKS REALLY, REALLY WELL by bio-chemically changing your body into a voracious, fat-focused eating machine.

Even so, the effectiveness of the diet is 95 percent in the dieter's hands. Losses of up to 3 Pounds per day have been well documented -- but the results can go all the way down to ZERO ounces lost when the dieter violates all the rules.

The results really are under the control of the Dieter.

Under the effects of HCG your body will selectively target fat (not muscle or protein) and scavenge it from your frame at a high, but not unhealthy rate. Like the ol' Tasmanian Wolf in the Bugs Bunny cartoons -- your body is gonna gulp down the previously immobile fat like all-out-war.

So avoid all oils (fat) incorporated into food or used ON your person during the diet. On my person? I'm talking about tanning oils; oil based face creams; oil based make-up and oil based make-up removers, even facials (Oil of Olay) if they are in an oil base.

Some hair-styles still use oils to dress-up the effect -- so avoid those too. Use a gel instead. Anything that is oily on or in your body will be used as 'fuel' instead of your body fat and will negate the HCG's effect!

So, would you prefer your body be munching-out on your Clairol 'Nothing on At All" make-up or wiping out a cluster of cellulite?

1 Bottle

$59 + $7.90 shipping

2 Bottles

$99 + $7.90 shipping

3 Bottles

$139 + $7.90 shipping

Other Important Information

1) Please remember that there are no refunds on this product.

2) In extreme weather conditions, sometimes the bottles will leak a small amount of liquid due to pressure change on the plane. This is normal.

3) If the bottle(s) arrive broken, take a picture and send that to me. We will send out a replacement order right away. (Each bottle is packaged in bubble wrap, this only happens once every few years.)

4) Email healing.dynamics@gmail.com with any questions.

Nature's Abundance Homeopathic HCG Spray Ingredients: 

We custom developed, tested and certified the results of the inclusion of thermogenic enhancing amino acids L-Arginine; L-Ornithine and L-Glutamine with ACAI Berry extracts; organic green tea extracts and even the amino acid L-Tryptophan to help the dieter handle the stress of dieting! That gives Nature's Abundance Homeopathic HCG a major edge in overall healthfulness and usability over most of the competitions "plain Jane product".

Just a few of our success stories...


Lose a couple of pounds QUICK! 

by Kevin Ceris 
(U.S. )

I am a 58 year old guy that tends to put on weight very easily. I have lost up to about 25 pounds at a time with HCG -- but then if I don't eat right (and I don't) I will put pounds back on especially around holidays and such. 

The point is that when overdo and put on some pounds -- I can just go on the HCg spray for a few days or a week and get back down to where I want to be. I usually stay at the preferred weight for quite a while or at least till the year end holidays hit.

Surprising weight-loss 

by Jim R 
(Big Sky)

"We started the HCG drops after dinner on Sunday night and on Tuesday morning around 7:30 I weighed-in and had lost 4 pounds. 4 pounds in 36 hours! At first my wife and I thought the scale was broken -- but it wasn't.  I need to lose about 70 pounds. 
Oh, by the way my wife Sue lost 2 and 1/2 pounds in that 36 hours."

Jim R, Waco, Texas

Lost weight after baby. 

by Melody S 
(Colorado Springs)

I honestly purchased because it had a guarantee. 

had put on a lot of weight during pregnancy that I never could get off. Anyway, I bought a bottle for me and some for a friend too and we both lost like 8 pounds in 12 days. I have bought another bottle am believing that it will reset that hypothemos or whatever it is that makes us fat. I really recommend it and the folks at healthy weightloss are very friendly and helpful.

Melody S

HCG worked with low blood sugar 

by Shamiana White 
(Baton Rouge)

I have low blood sugar and some other health issues that make it real hard for me to lose. I had heard about HCG, there are billboards all over -- but couldn't afford to try the expensive shots. Thankfully, this works and I have been able to eat properly for my low blood sugar using the HCG and still lose weight. I lost about 18 pounds my first month. Thank You!

Shamiana White

HCG helped with weight break-through. 

by Ann 
(Mid America)

I had gotten to that place in dieting where you hit a wall and can't seem to go any further. I had been on one of the top diets for a long time and had decided I couldn't loose anymore.   A friend recommended I try this brand and it worked for me. I wouldn't say I'm losing real fast or anything -- but I have finally broken that weight barrier that I thought I wouldn't get through. I have reshaped even more than I've lost. They are really helpful at this site too.

Homeopathy and HCG  

by Lisa Ruambo 
(Twin Heart)

"We had heard about homeopathy, but really didn't know what it was. We thought it was herbs or something. Anyway -- Terry answered all the questions and helped us see how HCG drops worked. I've been on it for 18 days and have lost 12 pounds. It's really been very easy."

L. Ruambo

Worked without adding to other health problems 

by Teresa R 

"My daughter has some chronic health issues ... it is very difficult for her to lose weight and stay healthy ... but we tried it and she has lost about 9 lbs in 11 days. Thanks for a product that really works."

Teresa R